Hometown international business to bring projects from talk to tuition major issues will be approach an opportunities for the common man and woman to be involved as investors and these type of projects focus when processing toxic waste by bringing it back to its natural state this includes tires it includes phosphorus piles roofing materials garbage turn on cleaning water talk to and so consumption to the human animal’s bodies without toxins in the pure water 1800 pure  also there will be other projects that need to be done with common man and woman’s investment right to control and controlled by big corporations a secret of success it’s always to have the best available technology and the starting point is a breakdown in every material to its natural state and identify are you utilizing laboratories then when the material it’s been verified it should be put back into use into fuels tire plastic add more there will be seed funds for projects need to be started best will have lock box investment where do they get paid either from incoming toxic waste or by selling product in the companies which has been established hometown international business through seed funds we can help people in their own countries go home to do projects that benefit the world whatever products their country pause to be sold to the world operating arm of business HIb logistics LLC